
Firstly, and unlike the other rides on this web site, Paris-Brest-Paris (PBP) is NOT a route I developed myself. It is a 1200km cycling event organised by the Audax Club Parisien, that takes place every four years.

Since 2017, I have been getting in to audax rides as a natural development of my interest in long bike rides. Benefits include lots of pre-existing routes and a  friendly community of like-minded cyclists. The website of Audax UK (the long distance cyclists’ association) is the best place to start learning about the world of audax.

PBP 2019

I first rode Paris-Brest-Paris in 2019 and (in common with many riders) felt moved to write about the experience.

Paris-Brest-Paris 2019 – A Cycling Adventure

A shorter version of this story was published in Arrivée, the magazine of Audak UK (see pages 48 to 51).

There is a longer version of my story, which been described as “like a small book”! This is available in a PDF file at Paris-Brest-Paris 2019 – Malcolm Wills – v1.4. 

PBP 2023

I rode PBP for the second time in 2023. The story of my ride was featured in Arrivée, issue 162 (winter 2023), in an abridged version. The full story is available on this website, at Malcolm Wills – PBP 2023 Piece for Arrivee – v1.1

As part of my preparation for this  challenging ride, I created a schedule using Microsoft Excel. This includes planned arrival and departure times for each of the controls and rest stops. The actual times from my ride have been added after the event, for comparison. Below is a screen shot of selected columns, to give a flavour of the schedule.

The entire workbook, including a blank template of the schedule, can be downloaded from the link below.

Paris-Brest-Paris – 2023 – Schedule – Malcolm Wills – Website v1

The above link was tested and worked when it was added to this page. If it seems not to be working you may want to try the usual workarounds, starting with using a different browser. 

The Schedule workbook is not a commercial product. This website accepts no liability for any direct or indirect consequences arising from its use or misuse.