How long is a long bike ride?
That really depends on the individual rider – what feels like a long distance or a long time in the saddle for you?
The rides on this site range from half a day to two or three days. Below is a list of rides on the site at present. The estimated durations are based on a moving average speed of about 20kph (kilometres per hour).
Click on a link to find information about the ride…
London Royal Parks Loop (4 hours, plus stops)
Two Valleys Loop (4 to 4.5 hours, plus stops)
London to Cambridge (4 to 5 hours, plus stops)
London to Brighton (4.5 to 5 hours, plus stops)
London to Bristol (10 to 11 hours, plus stops)
London to Peterborough (207km / 9 to 11 hours, plus stops)
London to York (24 hours, plus stops / overnights)
London to Amsterdam (2.5 days)
London to Paris (via Calais) (3 days)
As a resident of south east London, I’ve started some of the rides from Deptford and Greenwich, as places which have great interest in their own right and are reasonably easy to get to.