
This site is to share some rides I’ve developed. The rides are about being in and travelling through different environments  – urban, suburban, villages, country.

Photo by Sam 

There is also the satisfaction of getting from A to B (or A to A for the loops) under your own power and gaining insight into the time it must have taken to get around the country before cars and trains. Many of the rides are inspired by or build on rides developed by others and links will continue to be added.

This site remains fairly basic. How quickly it develops depends on  the weather – the worse it is, the less time out on my bike and so the more time to work on the site! As at July 2024, it looks like the GPX files I have provided on this site are no longer downloading correctly, presumably due to some change in an update to the web publishing software. It could be a while before I am able to fix this as it may involve drastic action including migrating off WordPress to a more modern web publishing product. Sorry!

Malcolm Wills – May 2017, Jan 2018, Feb 2020, Dec 2022, July 2024